The Journey. Psychological, physical and financial burden and stress. Quality of Life 28. 11. 2023 The cost of cancer is directly related with financial and psychological burden and stress, as it was shown by a recent study. The study assessed the impact of cancer-related costs and the financial toxicity of working-age individuals after the diagnosis.Financial burden included objective financial burden and subjective stress. About a third of the people who participated in the study had experienced financial toxicity. Issues such as fear of cancer recurrence, uncertainty, and other issues were more frequently described in those with financial burden. Also, these individuals reported lower levels of functional status, more severe symptoms, and poorer quality of life [1].The authors concluded that a significant number of people of working age, with a history of cancer, experience subjective stress related to financial issues, regardless of whether they have objective difficulty in their finances.In another recent study it was found that specific demographic and social characteristics can influence the economic burden that the patient will experience [2].The researchers conclude that relevant agencies would do well to identify and evaluate patients who exhibit the characteristics for a high likelihood of financial burden. Appropriate health policy programs will help these people maintain a good quality of life.The cost of treating cancer is 2 and 3 times more than the cost of other diseases. Financial burden negatively affects many areas of physical as well as mental health, resulting in a reduction in our quality of life. People suffering from financial burden may delay their treatment or medication and forget to take care of their mental health. Economic burden affects people of `working age` the most. A cancer diagnosis can affect even the youngest people and make it difficult for them to study and later enter production, work, and generally affect their development and career.Designing and organizing appropriate health policy programs will help people who experience the economic burden of cancer to maintain their psychological and physical wellbeing and live with a good quality of life. Sources: [1] Kang D et al. Impact of objective financial burden and subjective financial distress on spiritual well-being and quality of life among working-age cancer survivors. Supportive Care in Cancer 2022? 30:4917-4926. [2]. Qiu Z et al. Financial toxicity assessment and associated factors analysis of patients with cancer in China. Supportive Care in Cancer 2023; 31:264 Find the right psychologist or mental health counselor for you in CureCancer -'s List of Health Professionals. Find the specialty of health professionals that you need. Tags: quality of life , mental health , cost of cancer
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