Physical therapy is one of the most effective treatments for peripheral neurotoxicity in patients who have received various chemotherapy agents. Physical therapists hold a unique position in contribu...[Read more]
In a study of 103 people with cancer experience, those who reported sufficient activity and exercise had a better score in quality of life and energy! Conversely, individuals with increased body weigh...[Read more]
A recent study showed that being physically active increased survival rates with cancer! Are you a cancer survivor? Do exercise! Physical activity may improve cancer survival rate with three ways: (1...[Read more]
Are you a cancer survivor? Visit CureCancer - and find the special Physiotherapist and trainer for your individual exercise program! Exercise, under the supervision and guidance of spec...[Read more]
Bone loss and osteoporosis is a known consequence of diverse cancers and their treatments. Osteoporosis is a serious public health concern. It is estimated that approximately 30% of postmenopausal wom...[Read more]
Aerobic exercise, an activity that increases heart rate and the utilization of oxygen, has been demonstrated to play a vital role in prevention of numerous conditions, including cardiovascular disease...[Read more]
A clinically implemented, community-based and personalized exercise program can be effective at improving physical fitness, fatigue and depression in a diverse population of adult cancer survivors, ac...[Read more]
A major new scientific report, that is set to help shape US government guidelines, has concluded there is strong evidence that physical activity lowers the risk of certain cancers in adults. The 2018...[Read more]