Prevention, Early Diagnosis, Support, and Care in Cancer Events, Seminars, & Publications 18. 02. 2025 With great pleasure and honor, we welcome you to the series of online seminars for Awareness and Education on "Prevention, Early Diagnosis, Support, and Care in Cancer."Epidemiological studies have shown that "Education is the most effective way to tackle cancer," Lancet Public Health 2024.Hippocrates taught this very knowledge about 2,500 years ago, recommending that "the best medicine is to teach people how not to need medicine."In this spirit, we are organizing a series of five seminars again this year under the general theme of "Prevention, Early Diagnosis, Support, and Care in Cancer." We believe these seminars will provide you with the knowledge needed to support citizens with a history of cancer.Here are some comments from participants in previous seminars:"We want more frequent and systematic seminars!!""We really liked the organizers and the invited scientists, who each time help us get closer to our patients by understanding both the disease and its treatment stages.""We reduced our fear of the disease thanks to the specific guidelines you provided us.""This seminar is excellent, useful, and constructive."The seminars are intended for healthcare professionals, including psychologists, nutritionists, general practitioners, dentists, and others.Our goal is to contribute to the vital work of the multidisciplinary therapeutic team and interdisciplinary collaboration.It is worth noting that, in our study, 122 patients with Head & Neck cancer required the expertise of 29 different healthcare professionals during their treatment!Key topics covered in this seminar:10:00 AM – A wound that won’t heal, pain when swallowing, bad breath, papilloma: Signs and risk factors, early diagnosis, and prevention of oral/oropharyngeal cancer – Ourania Nikolatou-Galiti10:20 AM – New therapies, ADCs: Mechanisms, targets, responses, successes, early diagnosis, and management – Maria Theocharis10:40 AM – Stomatitis in anti-neoplastic drug therapy: Chemomucositis, stomatitis in biological therapies, and mucosal lesions in immunotherapy – Ourania Nikolatou-Galiti11:10 AM – Nursing challenges in home care for patients: Assessment and management – Dimitris Papageorgiou11:30 AM – Jaw osteonecrosis from medications: Definition, prevention, and risk factors – Dimitra Galiti11:50 AM – Discussion & ConclusionsSeminar Organization:QUALITY OF LIFE IN CANCER CARE O.E. – mycancerStructure:Online Webinar – 2 hours durationCertification:A Certificate of Attendance will be provided by mycancer📞 Contact Phone: +30 6974802886✉️ Email:💡 Participation is free! Tags: seminars
Webinar: Oral Health in Cancer Events, Seminars, & Publications 17. 07. 2024 The Seminar is addressed to health professionals, who are an integral part of the interdisciplinary approach to cancer. The 5 topics presented belong to the great chapter of Cancer: Prevention, Early ...[Read more]
Webinar: Cancer and how to protect our patients Events, Seminars, & Publications 17. 07. 2024 Cancer is one of the most serious health problems seen today. The education of health care professionals and their contribution to the multidisciplinary approach of cancer is an urgent need. Education...[Read more]
Prevention, Early Diagnosis, Support, and Care in Cancer Events, Seminars, & Publications 18. 02. 2025 With great pleasure and honor, we welcome you to the series of online seminars for Awareness and Education on "Prevention, Early Diagnosis, Support, and Care in Cancer."Epidemiological studies have sh...[Read more]