The Battle to Eat and the Power of Healthy Nutrition Nutrition 26. 10. 2021 The difficulty to maintain good nutrition or "malnutrition" can cause adverse effects in patients with head, neck and oral cancer, such as treatment interruptions, delays, hospital admissions and reduced treatment success. A study in Australia describes the high nutritional burden of patients with head, neck and oral cancer. Some patients report difficulty eating during treatment as "the battle to eat" including sore mouth, difficulty eating, numbness, taste problems and dry mouth. These patients need special instructions and care to prevent and / or treat poor nutrition. Nutritionists are trained and can advise and guide nutritional care in collaboration with speech therapists, nurses, and physicians, and will help improve patients' eating experiences. Find the right nutritionist for you on the CureCancer - List! See the study. The experience of nutritional care according to patients with head and neck cancer involved with a combined dietitian, specialist nurse and speech pathologist clinic in a regional Australia: a quantitative longitudinal study. Supportive Care in Cancer 2021; 29: 4329-4337. Tags: nutrition , cancer , mouth pain , dry mouth , nutritionist
Webinar: Cancer and how to protect our patients Events, Seminars, & Publications 17. 07. 2024 Cancer is one of the most serious health problems seen today. The education of health care professionals and their contribution to the multidisciplinary approach of cancer is an urgent need. Education...[Read more]
Webinar: Prevention and early diagnosis of cancer, new therapeutic approaches Events, Seminars, & Publications 16. 07. 2024 The seminar is addressed to health professionals, who are an integral part of the interdisciplinary approach, aiming at the Prevention and Early diagnosis of cancer and the Therapeutic treatment and c...[Read more]
Prevention, Early Diagnois, Support, and Care in Cancer Events, Seminars, & Publications 13. 01. 2025 The webinar titled "Prevention, Early Diagnosis, Support & Care in Cancer" will be held online on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m..This is part of the highly successful annua...[Read more]