Why we must keep our teeth healthy when we receive radiotherapy Oral health 05. 11. 2021 A recent study showed that 5 years after radiotherapy, if we do not take proper care of our teeth, the needs for the treatment of dental caries reach 97%! About 80% of people with Head and Cervical cancer will receive radiation therapy, with or without surgery or chemotherapy. Because of the treatment, significant changes and problems will develop in the mouth. Ulcers (painful sores), fungal and other infections, loss of taste, dry mouth, tooth decay, osteoradionecrosis and trismus (difficulty in opening the mouth), will be observed during treatment and after the completion of radiotherapy. Dental caries affects teeth from the first year and can break and destroy them. Your care by the properly informed dentist will help to avoid the above problems. Radiation caries is associated with both the immediate effect of radiotherapy on the teeth and with problems in the mouth, such as dry mouth, difficulty eating due to bad taste and / or trismus and inadequate oral care. Extensive dental caries limits the healing potential, the teeth cannot be "saved", which means that they cannot be repaired and need to be extracted, resulting in an increased risk of osteoradionecrosis. Our daily quality of life is diminished. In conclusion, "Oral health will deteriorate, treatment needs will be very high and the limitations in performing the desired treatment will be numerous when oral care during radiotherapy is ignored. " Oral health care becomes even more important, since we now know that good oral health has a beneficial effect on the outcome and success of treatment. Patients will live better and longer! Tags: radiotherapy , caries , cancer , chemotherapy , dry mouth
Webinar: Prevention and early diagnosis of cancer, new therapeutic approaches Events, Seminars, & Publications 16. 07. 2024 The seminar is addressed to health professionals, who are an integral part of the interdisciplinary approach, aiming at the Prevention and Early diagnosis of cancer and the Therapeutic treatment and c...[Read more]
Webinar: Cancer Prevention Programs Events, Seminars, & Publications 19. 04. 2024 Are you a Health Professional and want to contribute to the prevention of cancer, but also to informing and promoting public health? Register for the free webinar "Cancer: Prevention Programs to Live ...[Read more]
Webinar: Cancer prevention and treatment, make it with your lifestyle! Events, Seminars, & Publications 01. 05. 2024 Register now, attend the Webinar and see the lifestyle tips!Find out what times are appropriate to sunbathe, what a cancer vaccine offers us and how to quit smoking!We invite you to attend the Webinar...[Read more]