Webinar: Cancer prevention and treatment, make it with your lifestyle! Events, Seminars, & Publications 01. 05. 2024 Register now, attend the Webinar and see the lifestyle tips!Find out what times are appropriate to sunbathe, what a cancer vaccine offers us and how to quit smoking!We invite you to attend the Webinar “Cancer prevention and treatment, make it with your lifestyle!”.Lifestyle, good nutrition and exercise, avoiding smoking and excessive sun exposure, vaccination and protection against viral infections, can help prevent a large number of cancers.See how you will live well, with manner and style - Online Seminar for citizens as well as for health professionals.Program1. Life in style - LifeStyle Medicine.Stavroula Droufakou, Medical Oncologist2. The HPV virus in cancer: What the expert says.Amanda Psyrri, Medical Oncologist3. Skin cancer, what about sunbathing?.Dimitrios Rigopoulos, Dermatologist-Venerealogist4. Melanoma of the mouth.Ourania Nicolatou-Galitis, Onco-Stomatologist5. Can I quit smoking? Find out how!Eleana Stoufi, Stomatologist6. Osteoporosis and cancer: Bone protective drugs: Benefits and risk factors- Osteonecrosis of the Jaw.Ourania Nicolatou-Galitis, Onco-StomatologistORGANIZATIONAL INFORMATIONDate: July 2, 2024Participation: Free. You will receive a certificate of participation at the end of the seminar.Organizer: mycancer.grRegister here:Βρείτε παραδοσιακά, χειροποίητα προϊόντα, βρείτε φυσικά καλλυντικά, από το Αγρίνιο, την Αστυπάλαια, το Ηράκλειο, τη Λήμνο, το Ρέθυμνο, την Κάλυμνο, την Σέριφο, το Σιδάρι, το Σχηματάρι, ... και άλλες περιοχές της Ελλάδας.Υποστηρίξτε τους μικρούς παραγωγούς μας.Δείτε τα καταστήματα:Aegean OrganicsBio ArmoniaBioselectEvergetikonLaurus Nobilis Natural CosmeticsΤο Εναλλακτικό Παντοπωλείο της ΚαλύμνουΤο Μέλι της ΠεταλούδαςΧύμα και ΤσουβαλάταΩδή στο Ρόδι Tags: seminars
Progress comes at a swift pace! Events, Seminars, & Publications 30. 11. 2024 MDcCON 2024. The conference took place on November 1 and 2 with outstanding success.The innate love for humanity and devotion to Medical Science are the oncologist’s tools in everyday life. Faith, hop...[Read more]
Webinar: Oral Health in Cancer Events, Seminars, & Publications 17. 07. 2024 The Seminar is addressed to health professionals, who are an integral part of the interdisciplinary approach to cancer. The 5 topics presented belong to the great chapter of Cancer: Prevention, Early ...[Read more]
Prevention, Early Diagnois, Support, and Care in Cancer Events, Seminars, & Publications 13. 01. 2025 The webinar titled "Prevention, Early Diagnosis, Support & Care in Cancer" will be held online on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m..This is part of the highly successful annua...[Read more]