Why is the mouth the mirror of our health with cancer, too? Oral health 19. 01. 2022 Because patients with a clean and strong mouth during chemotherapy will live better and longer! EKPA professor Dr. Ourania Nicolatou-Galitis had the honor and pIeasure to present the problems of the mouth during cancer therapy. She was invited by Dr. Stavroula Zorzou on Pemptousia TV's show Akou File, where they talked about the "supportive care" of the mouth in patients receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Dr Zorzou is a Dentist, Writer and Musician and producer of the show Akou File. Thank you Dr. Zorzou for the honorable invitation and the great opportunity to contribute to your important work and to inform patients about problems of the mouth when we treat cancer. When undergoing chemotherapy, the mouth becomes dry, we do not have adequate saliva, the taste is altered, we cannot sleep well, we are tired all day, we have difficulty eating, the gums bleed and hurt, the teeth are painful, the tongue stings. We talked about the lack of saliva- dry mouth. Saliva is the "bath" of the teeth! It rinses food from the teeth, helps us swallow, protects our teeth from dental caries etc. Our dentist will recommend a special toothpaste. About 97% of people who did not take care of their teeth during radiotherapy around the mouth, had large dental caries, which could not be restored! Stomatitis during chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and also immunotherapy occurs with sores in the mouth, which hurt. A clean mouth has milder stomatitis! We recommend frequent rinsing of the mouth with lukewarm chamomile. Molasses from grapes was found to help! We always keep our oncologist well informed. Trismus, when we have received radiotherapy around the head and neck, does not let the mouth open well, we have difficulty eating, we can’t perform proper hygiene, we experience tooth decay, etc. The dentist will show us easy exercises for the mouth or will recommend a specialist physiotherapist. Gum health is important in all treatments and especially if we are taking medicines to protect the bones. While these drugs protect the bones from osteoporosis and fractures, they can cause a problem called osteonecrosis. With healthy and clean gums this complication is rare. A visit to a properly trained dentist will help us! We keep our teeth and gums healthy to have less problems in all treatments and in all types of cancer. We should visit a properly informed dentist before we start chemotherapy or radiotherapy, as well as during and after treatment! At CureCancer - mycancer.gr, we organize information, awareness, and training seminars for dentists to manage and care people surviving cancer. If you are a cancer survivor, visit mycancer.gr LINK and find the right dentist for you! Alternatively, you can inform your dentist about the seminars. At CureCancer - mycancer.gr.Eu you can also read informative News articles on cancer care topics. If you have a history of cancer, visit CureCancer - mycancer.gr to find the best doctor for you. At CureCancer - mycancer.gr, we organize information, awareness, and training seminars for dentists to manage and care people surviving cancer. If you are a cancer survivor, visit mycancer.gr LINK and find the right dentist for you! Alternatively, you can inform your dentist about the seminars. At CureCancer - mycancer.gr.Eu you can also read informative News articles on cancer care topics. In conclusion, we talked about the necessary oral care by a properly trained dentist, so that we have a healthy and clean mouth, aiming to reduce pain and other problems in the mouth and to live better and longer! The dentist participates in the interdisciplinary team, along with the oncologist, psychologist, nutritionist, speech therapist, physiotherapist and other doctors and health care professionals. Pemptousia TV Pemptousia TV is one of the important activities of the INSTITUTE SAINT MAXIMOS THE GREEK, RESEARCH, RESCUE AND PROMOTION OF INTELLECTUAL AND CULTURAL TRADITIONS. Saint Maximus of Vatopedi, known in Russia as Maksim Grek, Maximus the Greek, was a bright figure of the 16th century, one of the most important figures after the fall of the Byzantine Empire. The purpose of the Institute is the research, recording, rescue, dissemination, promotion of the World Orthodox Intellectual and Cultural Wealth and Reserve. Tags: chemotherapy , radiotherapy , taste , dry mouth , saliva
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