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News > One click against cancer!

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One click against cancer!

Quality of Life | Monday 19 October 2020

One click against cancer!

Register with one click and take your health in your hands!

Patients can register for free at CureCancer - and

a) create their own medical file, record their medical history and therapies, and upload their test results.

b) Record and keep track of their symptoms as they experience them and, in practicality, communicate with their doctor with one click whenever needed and from a distance without having to travel.

The use of telemedicine in oncology is a very important change for the better and has today become a routine clinical practice in many international oncology centers.

The use of CureCancer -, as noted by Mrs. Galiti in the article by H Kathimerini "contributes to the increased success of therapy due to the immediate updates and communication to the doctor."

We thank Archimedes- Center for Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship of NKUA for their continuing support and the magazine “K” for hosting us.

Read the complete article here (in Greek).

Tags: telemedicine, CureCancer -, prevention,

Quality of Life Monday 19 October 2020

One click against cancer!

One click against cancer!

Register with one click and take your health in your hands!

Patients can register for free at CureCancer - and

a) create their own medical file, record their medical history and therapies, and upload their test results.

b) Record and keep track of their symptoms as they experience them and, in practicality, communicate with their doctor with one click whenever needed and from a distance without having to travel.

The use of telemedicine in oncology is a very important change for the better and has today become a routine clinical practice in many international oncology centers.

The use of CureCancer -, as noted by Mrs. Galiti in the article by H Kathimerini "contributes to the increased success of therapy due to the immediate updates and communication to the doctor."

We thank Archimedes- Center for Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship of NKUA for their continuing support and the magazine “K” for hosting us.

Read the complete article here (in Greek).

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