Advances and Challenges in Oncology - multidisciplinary approach for all our patients Events, Seminars, & Publications 14. 10. 2022 Pain, infections, difficulty and inability to take food were important issues, which patients have described as "the battle to eat". “I'm receiving chemotherapy and my mouth hurts”, I can't sleep, I'm constantly tired, weak' and other related symptoms are often reported by patients receiving chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy to the Head and Neck region, including the mouth. These problems were presented in the Session entitled "Advances in Supportive Oncology", in the framework of the Two-Day Conference "Developments and Challenges in Oncology - multidisciplinary approach for all our patients". The informative and educational two-day event, under the auspices of EOPE, was held with great success. The Presidents of the Organizing and Scientific Committee were the distinguished Medical Oncologists Dr Stamatina Demiri, Director of the B Oncology Department, G.A.O.N.A "Agios Savvas" and Dr Nikolaos Tsoukalas, Deputy Director, Oncology Clinic, 401 G.S.TO. Professor Ourania Nicolatou-Galitis, Scientific Responsible of CureCancer -, had the great honor and pleasure to co-chair with great colleagues, Professor Medical Oncologist Dr Michalis Karamouzis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - EKPA and Professor Cardiologist Dr Dimitrios Farmakis, Cyprus Medical School. In the Session on "Advances in Supportive Oncology" important topics such as Leukopenia and Anemia, Thrombosis in cancer, Pain in cancer, Mucositis and other oral lesions and Nutrition in cancer were presented. The speakers spoke on the suggestions and recommendations for the prevention of oral mucositis as well as the appropriate supportive care of patients during and after anti-neoplastic treatment. It was explained how the mouth contributes and why it is an important site of development of the complications and toxicity of chemotherapy and radiation therapy of the Head and Neck. The reduction of saliva-xerostomia, microbial load – poor oral hygiene, cavities, gingivitis and periodontitis increase markers of inflammation, and the risk of infections. A clean and health mouth and the care by an appropriately-informed and trained Dentist will help us "live better and longer". We sincerely thank Dr Nikolaos Tsoukalas and Dr Stamatina Demiri for the honorable invitation and the opportunity they gave us to participate in the conference. The organization was excellent, the program was fantastic and the speakers were amazing!
Webinar: Cancer and how to protect our patients Events, Seminars, & Publications 17. 07. 2024 Cancer is one of the most serious health problems seen today. The education of health care professionals and their contribution to the multidisciplinary approach of cancer is an urgent need. Education...[Read more]
Prevention, Early Diagnosis, Support, and Care in Cancer Events, Seminars, & Publications 18. 02. 2025 With great pleasure and honor, we welcome you to the series of online seminars for Awareness and Education on "Prevention, Early Diagnosis, Support, and Care in Cancer."Epidemiological studies have sh...[Read more]
Webinar: Oral Health in Cancer Events, Seminars, & Publications 17. 07. 2024 The Seminar is addressed to health professionals, who are an integral part of the interdisciplinary approach to cancer. The 5 topics presented belong to the great chapter of Cancer: Prevention, Early ...[Read more]