News > Do you have problems with your taste and mouth? Having trouble with your food? See what you can do!

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Therapeutic advances in Head and Neck Cancer have significantly increased treatment success and survival. However, people who have been cured of cancer in the mouth, head and throat may have difficulties with their food intake. These difficulties can affect our physical as well as mental health.

The difficulties most often described are:

  1. Difficulties with eating
  2. Food sticks to the cheeks
  3. Choking
  4. Biting of the tongue
  5. Difficulty in swallowing
  6. Food coming out of the nose
  7. Feeling of excessive saliva in the mouth
  8. Chest infections
  9. Weight loss
  10. Food sticks in the back of the throat
  11. Cough, etc.

In the post-treatment period, soft and liquid food may be needed. Difficulty in taking solid food can cause anorexia, with a risk for malnutrition and weight loss. Food intake may become difficult if our mouth is dry, too. The bothersome symptoms of dry mouth can be relieved with small, frequent sips of water and a diet rich in sauces.

Also, some treatments dry mouth can affect taste and the ability to smell properly. Food can taste metallic, bitter or salty and the mouth can burn, leading to the loss of appetite.

It is important, however, to increase the intake of calories and consume foods with a higher caloric value. Reduced calorie intake can affect the success of treatment and our quality of life. Patients consulting a nutritionist would be of great help.

See small nutrition tips:

  • Mash the fruit and add full-fat yogurt
  • Drink whole milk
  • Add grated cheese to your meals
  • Increase consumption of pure, virgin olive oil
  • Use a straw

Soft foods such as fish, boiled meat, boiled vegetables, and bananas can be mashed easily.

Don't rush your meal preparation, be patient. You will find that the condition is improving day by day.

Find, in our list, the right nutritionist for you, who will help you!

See the organic food products you love at CureCancer - partner stores.

Please also read: You know you have to eat to survive


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