News > COVID-19, Opportunities and benefits for cancer care

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What are the opportunities and benefits of COVID-19 for cancer care?

 COVID-19 brought Telemedicine and Tele-Oncology to Cancer. See the article We communicate with our doctor remotely and report our symptoms promptly, so that we can receive early and effective treatment.

Do you receive chemotherapy or radiotherapy? Visit CureCancer - Find the doctor that you need and communicate with him. Save your time, reduce your visits to the hospital and your expenses.

A study showed an increase in quality of life, a reduction in hospital visits and a sense of security for patients. The online "relationship" of oncology patients with their doctors works like medicine, according to another study.

For which patients is Tele-Oncology suitable?

Tele-oncology is suitable for patients who (a) are regularly monitored, (b) are receiving oral chemotherapy and (c) are in need of supportive care services. CureCancer - offers safe and easy communication with your doctor, remotely. You reduce the risk of infection, and have more time with your family! CureCancer - can help us live better and longer!

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