2022, developments, successes, and achievements Events, Seminars, & Publications 02. 02. 2023 Thank you for being fellow travelers on CureCancer - mycancer.gr's journey. 2022 was a year of developments, successes and achievements. Numbers 24 specialties of Doctors and other Health Professionals, from 60 regions of Greece and 120 specialized stores surround CureCancer - mycancer.gr today. More than 100 thousand visitors have found the information they needed on CureCancer - mycancer.gr. Page views reached 220 thousand! The online visitors came from Greece, but also from 25 foreign countries. The Attiki-Thessaloniki-Patra regions had the most visitors. Evaluation, Selection and Support We received substantial support from the action Elevating Greek Startups against COVID 19, NSRF 2022 We have been selected and participate in the SymbIASIS program, "Connecting Hospitals", EIT Health, EKT & Archimedes. Scientific and social actions CureCancer - mycancer.gr at the Institute of Molecular Medicine & Biomedical Research (IMBE) Educational seminars A window to knowledge, repeated during the year, CureCancer - mycancer.gr Seminars for Dentists. Under the auspices of Hellenic Society for Medical Oncology. Supportive Oral Oncology in Head & Neck cancer, Hellenic Head and Neck Cancer Society – HeSHNca, President, Professor Dr. P. Maragoudakis, & Hellenic Association of Radiation Oncology, February 28. Dental Care of the Cancer Patient, 28th Pancretan Conference, May 27-29, Heraklion, Crete, SEC, President Mr. G. Vasilakis. The oral management of the Oncology patient, at the 9th Panhellenic Nursing Oncology Symposium, November 4-6, Volos, President Mrs. Aik. Harana. Problems from the oral cavity, Thoracic Oncology, EKPA School of Medicine, Associate Professor EKPA Dr. P. Bakakos, December 14. Speeches and actions to the public The mouth is the mirror of our health, Pemptousia TV, Ms. St. Zorzou, Institute of Saint Maximus the Greek, January 22. Cancer and Oral Health, Municipality of Filothei Psychiko and the Annex of the Hellenic Cancer Society,Filotheis Psychikou, President Ms. An. Angelaki, March 15. Head & Neck Cancer Week, HeSHNCa & Make Sense Campaign, September 19-23. Presentations & Conference Chairs The Example of CureCancer - mycancer.gr, Panhellenic Conference of the Institute of Molecular Medicine & Biomedical Research, President Prof. Oncologist Dr. Michalis Karamouzis, 30 June - 02 July. Dental & Oral Care in Head and Neck Cancer, Evangelismos Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic, Director Professor Dr. Christos Perisanidis, 06 June. Mucositis and oral lesions, Developments & challenges in Oncology, Vol. Study of New Drugs in Oncology, Presidents Dr. M. Demiri & Nik. Tsoukalas, September 28-29. Supportive Care in Oncological Patients, 1st Conference of the Hellenic Society for the Study of Neoplasms, President Medical Oncologist Dr. Ap. Laskarakis, September 30 – October 1, Athens. Head and Neck Cancer, MDcON 2022, President Dr. Il. Athanasiadis, October 11 and 12. Oral Melanoma, Panhellenic Melanoma Congress, and 8th Melanoma Symposium, June 16-22 and December 16, Hellenic Vol. Melanoma Study, President Dr. D. Bafaloukos. Women in Oncology, the Art of Oncology, The Art of the holistic approach, December 8-10, W4O, President Dr. E. Linardou. CureCancer - mycancer.gr digital platform & SymbIASIS “connecting Hospitals with startups”. An innovative program, supported by EIT Health, HeSHNCa Conference, December 16-17. Dissertations Evaluation of 2 Doctoral Theses, with Research topics in Oncology, University of Adelaide, Australia and EKPA School of Medicine, Greece. Therapeutic Protocols EOPE, participation in the Therapeutic Protocols for administration of antineoplastic drugs to patients with oncological diseases: Mucositis of the mouth, Osteonecrosis of the jaws in patients receiving related drugs. NEWS Our News page was enriched with 27 new articles for your information and well-being. Visit CureCancer - mycancer.gr.gr and see all the new features of our list as well as all our articles! Tags: curecancer.gr
Prevention, Early Diagnosis, Support, and Care in Cancer Events, Seminars, & Publications 18. 02. 2025 With great pleasure and honor, we welcome you to the series of online seminars for Awareness and Education on "Prevention, Early Diagnosis, Support, and Care in Cancer."Epidemiological studies have sh...[Read more]
Webinar: Cancer and how to protect our patients Events, Seminars, & Publications 17. 07. 2024 Cancer is one of the most serious health problems seen today. The education of health care professionals and their contribution to the multidisciplinary approach of cancer is an urgent need. Education...[Read more]
Prevention, Early Diagnois, Support, and Care in Cancer Events, Seminars, & Publications 13. 01. 2025 The webinar titled "Prevention, Early Diagnosis, Support & Care in Cancer" will be held online on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m..This is part of the highly successful annua...[Read more]