Cancer of the Mouth, Head and Neck, as well as oral melanoma: see the signs, get informed. You will save your own life and that of the precious people around you. Sore tongue, ulcer, a sore that won'...[Read more]
The 12th Annual European Head and Neck Course was held in Amsterdam, from 9-11 October 2019 and brought together faculty members from many of the leading head and neck cancer centers from Europe and N...[Read more]
Therapeutic advances in Head and Neck Cancer have significantly increased treatment success and survival. However, people who have been cured of cancer in the mouth, head and throat may have difficult...[Read more]
The purpose of this retrospective study was to assess patient adherence to an oral preventive measures protocol and its impact on cancer treatment outcomes. [1] The study included 133 patients, who h...[Read more]
Patients with head and neck cancers, including oral cancers, may have difficulties in eating, they may experience fatigue, loss of appetite and weight. Those problems may be a consequence of their can...[Read more]
«Nothing is more powerful than a personal story to motivate real change» «When 'I' is replaced by 'We', illness becomes wellness» «You have more strength than you think» «You are a 'survivor' from...[Read more]