Open the window of knowledge Events, Seminars, & Publications 21. 03. 2022 Today, worldwide, 43.8 million of people survive with cancer, while 18.1 million are diagnosed with cancer every year. By 2040 this number is estimated to increase 60%. Two out of 10 men and women have been estimated to develop cancer during their lifespan. Cancer therapies are related to complications. The oral cavity is a major target of cancer therapies and a significant site of cancer therapy-related oral complications. The contribution of the appropriately educated dentist in the multidisciplinary team is an urgent need [FDI – International Dental Federation 2020-2021]. We are pleased to announce our Seminars for the education, sensitization and information of the General Dentists, which are organized by the Oncology Patients Support PC. The goal of the Seminars is the education of the dentists regarding (a) assessment of the oral cavity and the repair-stabilization of oral disease, prior to the initiation of cancer therapy, (b) management of oral health in collaboration with the oncologist, during therapy and (c) follow, prevent, and care of oral chronic complications after the completion of cancer therapy. We welcome, with great honor and pleasure, the participation of selected Oncologists and representatives of Patients' Associations, whose work with cancer patients is invaluable! The Webinars are approved by the National Organization for Medicines. Co-Ordinator: Professor Ourania Nicolatou-Galitis Professor Nicolatou-Galitis is Scientific Responsible / Lead / Member: Scientific Responsible: Educational program – Best Practice for Oral Mucositis, British Medical Journal Best Practice, Scientific Responsible: Educational program for Medication Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw – MRONJ of the ecancer- ecancerMedicalSciences- and Member of the European Expert Group for MRONJ, Chair Sven Otto. Member: Health Systems and Treatment Optimization Network of the European Cancer Organization, Prof. Nicolatou has served as Chair of the Bone and Musculoskeletal Study Group of Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer-MASCC, 2015-2020, and President of the International Society of Oral Oncology, Invited Lecturers: Dr. Vinod Patel, M Oral Surgery, PhD, consultant oral surgeon at Guys & St. Thomas NHS Foundation Trust, service lead in dental services in cancer at Guys Dental Hospital. 7.5.2022 Giuseppina Campisi, Dentist, Department of Rehabilitation, Fragility and Continuity of care" University Hospital Palermo, Italy, Unit of Oral Medicine and Dentistry for fragile patients. Professor, University of Palermo. 14.5.2022 Introduction and brief presentations by: Alexandra Giannopoulou, Radiotherapist-Oncologist, MD, MSc, Center for Radiation Oncology, IASO. 7.5.2022 Stefanos Lambropoulos, Medical Oncologist, Hematologist, Deputy Director, 3rd Pathology - Oncology Clinic Hygeia Hospital, Co-Founder, Model Oncology Team. 14.5.2022 Christos Panopoulos, Medical Oncologist, Director of the Oncology Clinic Euroclinic of Athens, Professor at the University of Athens. 21.5.2022 Anastasia Pasakopoulou, President of the Association of Volunteers against Cancer - OEKK Agaliazo 7.5.2022 Zoi Grammatoglou, President of KEFI Association of Cancer Patients 14.5.2022 Patients Association, 21.5.2022 Comments by dentists who attended the seminars Opened a window of knowledge and cooperation with specialists for the better treatment of our patients, One of the best seminars I attended! We would be very moved if we could help even one of our fellow human beings, I am very lucky, I received valuable knowledge, It contained what it should, without confusing the audience, Excellent presentation, to the point, It will help me in my daily clinical practice, I highly recommend it to colleagues, I am grateful, Many explanatory slides, Simple, practical, understandable instructions, Important knowledge, with immediate application in clinical practice, Will help all colleagues, regardless of specialty, Love and respect for collaborative knowledge and contribution in the field of Health was the main feature. ORGANIZATIONAL DETAILS The title of the seminar is Dental management of cancer patients and consists of 3 webinars, 2 to 3 hours duration, in three main areas of disease and therapy for small groups of 12-15 colleagues. Starting Date: May 7, 2022 Webinar 1: Oral Supportive Care in patients with Head, Neck and Oral Cancer. Webinar 2: Osteonecrosis of the Jaw in Medication Webinar 3: Oral Complications related to the current biological therapies. Organizer: Oncology Patients Support PC, CureCancer - Tags: dentist , seminars , cancer , osteonecrosis
Webinar: Oral Health in Cancer Events, Seminars, & Publications 17. 07. 2024 The Seminar is addressed to health professionals, who are an integral part of the interdisciplinary approach to cancer. The 5 topics presented belong to the great chapter of Cancer: Prevention, Early ...[Read more]
Webinar: Prevention and early diagnosis of cancer, new therapeutic approaches Events, Seminars, & Publications 16. 07. 2024 The seminar is addressed to health professionals, who are an integral part of the interdisciplinary approach, aiming at the Prevention and Early diagnosis of cancer and the Therapeutic treatment and c...[Read more]
Webinar: Cancer prevention and treatment, make it with your lifestyle! Events, Seminars, & Publications 01. 05. 2024 Register now, attend the Webinar and see the lifestyle tips!Find out what times are appropriate to sunbathe, what a cancer vaccine offers us and how to quit smoking!We invite you to attend the Webinar...[Read more]