Following healing of osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) can we re-start the antiresorptive medication, Zometa or denosumab?
Answer: There is not a specific answer or adequate studies. In some countries, Italy for example, z... [Read more]
Answer: There is not a specific answer or adequate studies. In some countries, Italy for example, z... [Read more]
Answer: If tooth is not painful but has been planned to be removed following a certain dental treat... [Read more]
Answer: Coverage of the post-extraction area with oral mucosa is a good response. However, it is ad... [Read more]
Answer: A biopsy is recommended to be performed at the time of dental extraction to assess the vita... [Read more]
Answer: Antiresorptive medication may be re-administer 2 to 4 months after the dental extraction an... [Read more]
Answer: The new denture can be made after the healing of the surgical management. Usually, a time o... [Read more]
Answer: In patients with osteoporosis the dose of the anti-resorptive medication is lower over the ... [Read more]
Answer: Yes, removable dentures can be a risk factor for the development of medication-related oste... [Read more]
Answer: Amoxycillin 500mg and metronidazole 500mg, every 8 hours, is a good scheme of antibiotics, ... [Read more]
Answer: Yes, I can do the extraction, if I have the relevant education and knowledge. Otherwise, it... [Read more]
Answer: I will ask if the patient has a history of autoimmune disease in the mouth, as for example,... [Read more]
Answer: I perform a radiographic examination, with periapical x-rays and orthopantomography. I als... [Read more]
Answer: A dental extraction, when needed, particularly if the tooth is within the plan of radiothe... [Read more]
Answer: If symptoms do not respond within 10-15 days, after conservative treatment (antibiotics, en... [Read more]